What I Actually "Do"

Occasionally people ask what exactly I “do” with my clients.  I’ve realized that there is so much more to what I “do” than what most people realize.

 So I thought I would take a moment and share a more in depth response to this question.

 It’s true that I am a sex therapist.

 (And no, I don’t have sex with my clients! Geez, get your head out of the gutter….) 

 I am highly specialized in the field of women’s sexuality and specifically in helping women and couples overcome “low desire” and desire discrepancy.

 I have a Masters Degree in Professional Counseling and am Licensed by the State of Texas as a Licensed Professional Counselor.

 I am the founder of The Pathway to Pleasure Collective –my sex therapy practice---and am the host of my own podcast series, Sex Talk Café.

 And I LOVE working with women and couples who feel disconnected from intimacy and who long to restore the depth, connection, desire, confidence, and love. 


As a sex therapist I teach practical strategies, practices and skills for bringing down the “wall”, ditching the self -sacrifice, and conscious ways of re-connecting to AROUSAL, DESIRE, PLEASURE, and VOICE.


I teach authentic communication sills, and the PRACTICE of LOVE as a spiritual art—so that they can stand in their TRUE POWER, save their relationship and get back to love.


But what I ACTUALLY am at my CORE is a spiritual teacher—and more specifically I am an Illuminator and a Bridge. 

What the heck is that you ask?

As an Illuminator I reveal and ignite the areas of untruth and separation in my clients –the source of their pain and suffering--and help them bring these parts of themselves consciously back into the light of Truth where they can be reconnected through Love, and therefore transformed/healed/resolved.


As a Bridge, I build pathways that make it easier for my clients to cross over into new more life giving ways of seeing, experiencing, and knowing themselves, others and the world. 


And what’s so much fun is that I get help people do this through intimacy, sexuality and relationships!

I artfully bridge the worlds of the mundane and the sacred, the old paradigms with the new, science with spirituality, the rational with the intuitive.

I show the way to resolving the separation and duality and help my clients cross the bridge back into harmony and love.  


I do this in many ways: through touch coaching,  communication skills, spiritual practices, energy healing and intuitive coaching, sacred feminine spiritual practices, sexual practices that activate desire and arousal, and teaching the art of Love as a spiritual practice.


I hold dozens of certifications in alternative healing modalities and as a High Priestess I also teach and train other women in the Priestess Arts through my online mystery school--The Feminine Wisdom Academy.


I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Studies (the academic study of religion) which gives me the unique gift of being able to help people who feel trapped by guilt and shame and other negative impacts from their religious upbringings.


My clients realize that with me get more than “advice”, “tips” or more trendy “techniques” and instead are guided more deeply into THEMSELVES and their connection to SOURCE.  


They experience more connection, better relationships, and a happier life in general because they now have an entirely new way of understanding love, sex, relationships, god, and life.


What this looks like is that one minute I’m plugged into the universe channeling a client’s higher wisdom and witnessing the presence of the Holy Spirit (aka-Shakti/Life Force—whateva’ ya wanna call it!)--move through them as major releases and  sparks of insight and TRUTH begin to happen.


 And in the next moment I’m downloading a spiritual teaching, or leading them through an experiential practice that helps them step more firmly into their own TRUE POWER—cultivating the skills of using their VOICE, creating BOUNDARIES, accessing their DESIRE, and cultivating RECEPTIVITY, and resolving years of GUILT and RESENTMENT in merely a few minutes.

So you see I'm not just "one thing" and I don't do just "one thing"

And I don’t help my clients with just “one thing” because our sexuality is connected to and part of EVERYTHING in our lives—including and especially our relationship with GOD/SOURCE/THE DIVINE.

 So to me this work is SACRED.


It is a pathway of cultivating a deeper connection not just with our BELOVED but also--and perhaps more importantly--with the ETERNAL.  

With God.  

With LIFE. 

 And with the Holy Flame of LOVE and TRUTH which weaves together of ALL of creation with it’s eternal light of Illumination.  


And I want to show more women how to access this sacred pathway within their own body and soul---through their sexuality, intimacy and relationships---because I truly believe that women are the source of the change the world so badly needs.


But to do this there needs to be a pathway, a sacred container with structure and practical and experiential processes to help you get there.

You need a Bridge.


And you need someone who has walked before you to help keep you on track, to guide and to mentor you so that you stop spinning your wheels and wasting time and money on the things that don’t really matter or make a lasting long term difference. 

You need an Illuminator.


I am this Illuminator.  I am this Bridge.  And I just so happen to have the sacred container too!

The Sacred Container: Women's Mentoring Program

I am looking for 9 women who would like to to join me formy 4 month  Women’s Mentoring Program. 

This mentoring program is for women who feel shut down or disconnected from love, sex and intimacy.

  • It is for women who want to learn how to do the deeper work of connection by bringing down “the wall”. 

  • It is for women who want to learn how to overcome the guilt and fear that lead to sacrificing themselves just to keep their partners happy. 

  • It's for women who want to restore intimacy, save their relationship, and get back into connection and LOVE.   

  • It is for women who are ready to do the “deeper work” and go beyond trendy tips or “techniques”, fancy vibrators, useless pills or procedures, and ineffective couples therapy. 

  • It is for women who are ready and willing to learn what a massive game changer it is when they learn how to take 100% responsibility for their own pleasure. 

  • It is for women who want a NEW paradigm of intimacy that goes beyond the mundane world of “just sex” and leads them into the realms of the sacred.

Does This Sound Like You?

Then BREAKTHROUGH your own inner intimacy ceiling ASAP and book an Intimacy Breakthrough Call with me this week.


Best thing is….there is NO COST to book this call. Its 100% FREE!


During your Intimacy Breakthrough Call I will help ILLUMINATE your unique and hidden obstacles that are keeping you stuck in your sexuality and intimate relationship and light up a clear pathway to begin to  resolve these obstacles. 


And if you want my help and I feel it’s a fit, I may invite you to cross the BRIDGE that I’ve built  and offer you an invitation to join the sacred container of  my 4 month intensive Women’s Mentoring Program (this is a virtual program, fyi)


If you’re ready to have your own Intimacy Breakthrough then book your no-cost call with me here right now. 




Morgan Susan Taylor, MA

Specialist in Women's Sexuality and Feminine Spirituality

Founder, Pathway to Pleasure Collective


P.S.  I have limited availability on my calendar this week.  Intimacy Breakthrough Sessions are first come first served so get on over there and claim yours before they fill up

RSVP for The Connection Code Masterclass and learn the 5 Keys to Getting Back on the Same Page in Sex and Intimacy and Ditching the Mismatched Libido for Good!

Sunday March 23rd 2025 10am EST. 

Start Here

1. Apply to work with me by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

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2. FREE MASTERCLASS! The Connection Code: Discover the 5 secrets to resolving mismatched libido. Sunday March 23rd 2025 10am EST.

>Yes! Enroll me in the Masterclass.>>

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