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Apply to Work With Me. I work with clients worldwide.
Recently a woman came to me seeking help for her marriage. She had known for a very long time that her husband was not satisfied with the sex.
She also was frustrated and admitted that she had no idea what she really wanted or needed sexually.
She labeled herself as a “low desire” woman” --which I know all too well from working with hundreds of women over the past decade, that most women are not in fact “low libido” it’s just that they don’t understand how their sexuality and desire actually work and their partners are equally in the dark.
And the thing that makes me really sad was that she said she intuitively she knows that if she doesn’t do something about this situation, then within a year she knows she’ll end up divorced.
Yup. Hubby will leave her.
And I hate to say this, but she’s probably right. I’ve seen it happen all too frequently.
And truth be told, this is the one thing I hear the most frequently from women who come to me for help restoring intimacy in their marriages: the fear of losing their marriage to divorce.
The second thing I hear the most frequently is the fear that one of them will end up cheating.
Now I’ve personally been through a divorce. And sadly I’ve also experienced being cheated on.
So I know what it’s like. And it’s not something I would wish on anyone! And even less so when the primary issue leading to the divorce or cheating is something so solvable!
I know from my own personal experience that when we receive a real education on sex and intimacy, and when we as women learn how to access what we want and learn to speak up for it, when we take responsibility of our own pleasure in the relationship, and begin to help our partners learn us (rather than constantly sacrificing ourselves just to keep them happy) everything can change.
How I arrived at this knowing began with my own journey of sexual self-discovery and asking myself some really important questions:
And when I found the answer to these questions, what I discovered was that as women we literally have the power to create the circumstances for love, pleasure, deep connection and orgasm right here within our very own bodies.
This led me to my Ah-ha moment where I realized:
And once I had found my own Pathway to Pleasure and discovered this inherent potential within myself I realized two REALLY IMPORTANT things:
1. Nobody else is responsible for creating love, pleasure, or orgasm for me!
2. I could experience these things in any intimate relationship because I now knew how to create the circumstances for them to naturally arise from within me.
After this realization I became truly empowered.
Because love, pleasure, and orgasm was no longer such a mystery or an evasive experience dependent on someone else.
Depth and meaning became something that I could create and not something I had to put pressure on my partner to create for me.
I noticed that it was my own obstacles to pleasure that put limits on my ability to experience connection, love and depth in sex, not necessarily something my partner was doing or not doing.
This epiphany moment was the beginning of my passion to help other women like you learn and experience what I had discovered.
This is also the reason I am here with you today as a licensed professional sex therapist and intuitive coach who has helped scores of women and couples restore intimacy, save their relationship and get back to love (without the self-sacrifice or years of couples therapy)
What this means for you is that your relationship doesn’t don’t have to fall apart just because right now you don’t know what you want, or you think you are low libido, or your partner wants it more than you, or you don’t two how to speak up for your needs, or because you are afraid that divorce may be looming in your future.
Because there is a solution (and it’s not divorce or cheating) and I just so happen to have the roadmap.
Imagine having a professional sex therapist in your back pocket for a full 15 weeks:
I’m opening up 4 spaces in my 15 week women’s sexuality mentoring program for next month.
This is the Maserati of my offerings where I take you step by step through my proven process that has helped scores of women restore intimacy, save their relationship, and get back to love.
And I'm offering two incredible spring BONUSES:
This offer is valid for a limited time ONLY and I only have 4 spots available.
So if now is so your time to finally resolve the intimacy issues in your marriage so that you can sleep soundly at night without that knot of anxiety in the pit of your stomach, then go here now to learn more and apply to join me next month
This will be a life changing experience that will be one of the best investments you've ever made in yourself and the future of your relationship.
P.S. This is my premium signature program for women. It’s high touch and high value designed and proven to deliver lasting tangible results:
Is this you? Click here now to learn more and apply.
P.P.S. Some women worry what their husbands would think if they were to begin a program focused on women's sexuality.
And it's true that some husbands do in fact raise eyebrows when they first hear about it! But rest assured, husbands enjoy the fruits of your labors and have had nothing but rave reviews.
Here’s what the husbands of two of my graduates had to share:
"With what my wife learned from working with Susan has helped us learn as a couple how to really be present with one another in ways that we weren't before. We have learned how to just grow in those moments together and be one in a way that we've only ever heard about before and in ways that we never really could have even imagined. This experience has been truly life changing for us."
-Erik Harvey, Austin, TX
"When my wife began studying with Susan my initial reaction was “hey, that’s great – Susan seems really grounded.” As they began sessions together, however, what I saw emerge and take shape in my wife was a steadily growing sense of self and self-confidence. But what was as equally striking as witnessing the changes in my wife, was noticing the changes that occurred in me as a result. The work that my wife was doing with Susan created a space for me to see my wife in a new way, and in a way that increased my own capacity to see her and to love her for who she really was. I unconditionally recommend Susan.”
-Dave Evans, Austin, TX
Ready to have your own husband raving? Go here now to learn more and complete an application today.
1. Apply to work with me by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.
2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).
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