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Apply to Work With Me. I work with clients worldwide.
Hypoactive Sexual Arousal Disorder and Inhibited Sexual Desire are terms used to medically diagnose women who identify as having a low sex drive or little to no interest in sex.
This “disorder” has more recently been called Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (FSIAD).
FSAID is a diagnosis in the bible of all mental health disorder diagnosing manuals—the DSM-V and is characterized by a ‘lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity’ and a person who ‘will not initiate or respond to their partner's desire for sexual activity’.
FSIAD is considered a sexual dysfunction and it is estimated that about one third of all women experience this “disorder”.
My friends, listen up! Eating disorders which are considered an epidemic occur in only about 3.8% of women. If it is true that nearly 30% of women in the US experience FSIAD then we not only have an epidemic, we have a sexual crisis.
But the truth is that low libido or “low desire” it is NOT necessarily a “dysfunction”. READ: YOU AND YOUR BODY ARE NOT DYSFUNCTIONAL!!!.
The REAL PROBLEM is a lack of education about women’s sexuality.
And this just happens to be my area of expertise. For over 8 years I have been studying, researching, and learning about the topic of female sexuality. Why women lose interest and what to do about it instead of pumping ourselves full of hormones or pharmaceuticals.
And what I have discovered is that the TRUTH IS that there is probably a DAMN GOOD REASON you have lost interest!
And it’s NOT why you may think.
In other words, it’s not your freaking brain chemicals like the pharmaceutical companies would like you to believe. And-- NEWS FLASH!!-- It also may not necessarily be your hormones either….
And this is EXACTLY why I created the 8 week online training Wake Up Woman: How to Get “In The Mood”, Ditch the Self-Sacrifice and Restore Your Relationship with Pleasure Sex And Intimacy (Even if You are Low Libido or just Plain “Too Tired).
Because women it's freaking time to stop taking the blame for not being like men. It’s freaking high time we took the time to learn about how our bodies ACTUALLY work and INVEST THE TIME into uncovering and resolving those REAL REASONS why the mood sometimes just goes missing like your long lost relative Albert from Western Appalachia. (Bet ‘ya never even heard of him have ‘ya? Yeah, that’s what I thought!)
So if you’d like to join the new wave of women who are taking back their bodies and reclaiming their relationship with sex, pleasure and intimacy Contact Me and let’s see if this course just might be the answer you have been waiting for.
1. Apply to work with me by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.
2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).
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