Sex therapy for committed couples who want intimacy to feel easy, fun and mutually fulfilling. 

Sex Therapy Online
Somatic Sexology &
 Transformational Couples Retreats
Get back on the same page and ditch the mismatched libido for good. 

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA Sex Therapist and Somatic Sex Coach.

Somatic sex therapy online and couples retreats worldwide. 

You know you can't keep avoiding this problem. It has now started to affect your relationship and avoiding talking about it is clearly NOT helping! 

You lie awake at night worried that if you don’t find a solution it could mean the loss of your relationship. You are tired of the frustration, the guilt, the blame, and the pressure.

Even though you don't think anybody else would get it, the truth is that there are many couples who face similar challenges in sex that they cannot overcome on their own:

  • Perhaps you don’t enjoy sex as much as you would like to and you feel guilty about how this is affecting your relationship?
  • Perhaps your partner is not as interested in sex as you are and you feel frustrated and resentful?
  • Maybe things have gotten a bit boring and routine and you long for a way to revive the connection you once had but you just don't know how, or you're afraid your partner will reject your desires and new ideas?

You just want deeper connection and more flow and ease...If only you could just both get on the same page! If only things could flow again like they did at the beginning.  If only you could find a way to bring the passion, the connection,  the love and the sex back online. 

The good news is that working with a somatic sex therapist and relationship coach can help you to feel more confident, get out of your head, drop the performance anxiety, deepen the emotional connection, and stop feeling like you have to sacrifice yourself just to keep your partner happy. 

Ready to get back on the same page? Click the link below to get started by booking a complimentary consultation today. 

Somatic Sex Therapy Online for Couples: Ready to Get Back on the Same Page?

Couples sex therapy in Austin, TX and North Carolina

I see you, And I hear you. And I would like you to know that there is a solution and there is help.  

You’re not alone. 

And even though you don't think anybody else would get it, the truth is that many people face similar challenges in sex and intimacy that they cannot overcome on their own. 

The fact that you’re here reading this, considering seeking somatic couples sex therapy and relationship help, already puts you miles ahead of the rest!

Somatic sex therapy and relationship help can empower you to feel more confident, get out of your head, drop the performance anxiety, deepen the emotional connection, and stop feeling like you have to sacrifice yourself just to keep your partner happy. 

  • Ready to feel more flow and ease in intimacy? 
  • Ready to resolve the stress and anxiety of avoiding this issue and to finally experience intimate fulfillment?
  • Ready to get back on the same page with your partner?

If you're a a committed couple ready to cut to the chase and get some sexpert support then get started by booking your complimentary consultation today by clicking the button below.

Sex therapy online: I work with couples worldwide.

Your complimentary consultation is a no obligation phone or Zoom call where we'll explore your current challenges and then determine if my professional support can help. If so I'll discuss what it's like to work with me and share with you the next steps to get started.

Sound good? Click the button below to book your consultation today. 

Somatic Sex Therapy for Couples. Get help. Fix The Problem. Save Your Relationship. 

Headshot-sitting on bed

I am Susan Morgan Taylor, M.A.  I'm passionate about empowering couples to deepen the connection in sex and intimacy so that they can ditch the self sacrifice in sex, save their relationship, and get back to love.

I us my proprietary Pleasure Keys Process tm to empower couples who long to restore intimacy and deepen connection so that they can feel comfortable in their own skin, get out of their head, feel confident both in the bedroom and out, and preserve their intimate relationship without feeling like they have to keep sacrificing themselves just to keep their partner happy.  I offer private coaching and transformative couples retreats worldwide.

Ready for a Real Education and Real Change?

This isn't about teaching you trendy tricks or techniques or getting the latest sex advice that doesn't "work".

This is about a real education, real change, real results. This is about generating sustainable, lasting change through results oriented, solution focused and experiential approaches to growth. 

Thanks for being here. I hope you’ll enjoy browsing my website.

And if you're ready to cut to the chase and get some expert support, request your complimentary consultation today by clicking the button below.

Schedule your Confidential and Complimentary   Consultation Today.

RSVP for The Connection Code Masterclass and learn the 5 Keys to Getting Back on the Same Page in Sex and Intimacy and Ditching the Mismatched Libido for Good!

Sunday April 27th 2025 11am Eastern/ 10am Central/ 8am Pacific

Start Here

1. Apply to work with me by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

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2. FREE MASTERCLASS! The Connection Code: Discover the 5 secrets to resolving mismatched libido. Sunday April 27th 2025 11am EST/10am CST/ 8am PST

>Yes! Enroll me in the Masterclass.>>

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